Our client is a US-based company offering its customers an extended car warranty that covers unpredictable repairs. The company delivers an auto warranty service and recently decided to give digital marketing a shot. The business stands out with its flexible warranty plans, add-on guarantees, and excellent customer service.

  • +90%

    Clicks in July compared to June

  • +37%

    Conversions in July compared to June

Business Challenge

wiserbrand team

Before reaching out to WiserBrand, this extended warranty company had already researched the costs of running an affiliate marketing strategy. On average, affiliate marketers offered them a $100 cost-per-lead (CPL), so the customer was looking for other marketing opportunities at a lower price but with a better ROI.

After a primary business analysis, we discovered that the customer’s website is the only marketing tool they have, so we had to concentrate our marketing efforts on it. The customer also lacked social proof, which complicated brand promotion, plus we had to generate leads in a highly competitive environment across 48 US states.


Since the beginning of our collaboration, the customer had nothing but the website. We started with Google Ads to quickly increase the website’s traffic and deliver qualified leads. Next, we suggested running several Google Ads campaigns to find the best-performing tactic.

During the first month, we launched and tested Search, Smart and Performance Max advertising campaigns using the sets of both general and car brand-tailored keywords. We also used a competitive

“company’s brand name review” as a query, which resulted in the highest click-through rate. After a test launch, the customer shared that the quality of generated leads was exceptionally high and decided to scale advertising campaigns further.

During the second month of our collaboration, we proceeded with scaling ad campaigns using the highest-converting keywords, optimized the Search Ads campaign, and added Discovery Ads along with remarketing.



After running Google Ads campaigns for two months, we are proud to share the next results.

Month 1 – May (test campaign)

  • 5 845 clicks
  • 68 088 impressions
  • 8,58% CTR on average
  • 73 conversions
  • $96,4 cost per lead (CPL)

Month 2 – June

  • 2 480 clicks
  • 90 600 impressions
  • 2,73% CTR on average
  • 220 conversions
  • $32,4 cost per lead (CPL)
ads results

Month 3 – July

Search Ads Campaign

  • 2 291 clicks (+90% in July compared to June)
  • 339 614 impressions
  • 5,78% click-through-rate (CTR)
  • 215 (+37%) conversions
  • $52,67 cost per lead (CPL)

Performance Max Campaign

  • 2 067 clicks
  • 46 132 impressions
  • 4,48% CTR on average
  • 223 conversions
  • $32,16 cost per lead (CPL)

489 Total Сonversions in July

The combination of the advertising tactics above allowed us to achieve two-times leads growth monthly. We got started with 80 leads in May and growed this figure seven times by August.

Now, our collaboration goes on. Next, we plan to focus on backlinks building to make the customer’s website better discoverable in organic search and increase its lead-generation potential for the long run.

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Webstore Template in Light Colors with Head with Brains Icon in Turquoise on It

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  • +449%
  • +53%
  • 279%
    increase of the number of customers
    increase of the number of web sessions
    increase of the transactions quantity
    organic search revenue