latent semantic indexing seo
lsi keywords definition

Latent semantic indexing keywords and LSI tools

February 16, 2018
5 min read
eugene koplyk
Eugene Koplyk
Latent semantic indexing keywords and LSI tools


One of the main web page optimization points consists of the properties that develop into relevant content. Webmasters used to think that keywords’ analysis is a fundamental and game-changing step toward success in search ranking. “That’s it!” – a typical reaction for an average SEO-specialist, but not for an experienced professional. The reason is that the world is going on and we should keep up with the trends. About ten years ago not only people believed in the power of a few well-matched words, but Google did as well. Since the Hummingbird algorithm was integrated in 2013, Google became increasingly selective in its attitude to single words and the context, that was presented to them. Two years later this ranking technique was updated by a machine-learning feature named RankBrain that allows the search engine to manage the process of its own education, building the connections between the words. In this case, the notion of the “latent semantic indexing keywords” actually grew into an incredibly popular one.

What is the LSI keyword?

LSI stands for Latent semantic indexing, the technique employed by the search engines in the process of web pages’ analysis in order to understand the meaning of the main keywords more clearly, specifying the searcher intent. The point is that the accuracy of the search result for the query strongly depends on the latent semantic, that has been previously saved in the search index. In other words, the LSI keyword meaning could be determined as simple words or phrases, which give some support to keywords and are associated with them by the search engine. That’s how the search engine follows the users’ behavior and establishes the patterns.

For example, you have a dispute with your friend about the faster animal in the world, and you sincerely believe that it’s a jaguar, rushing to the online search. You could check Google’s “reaction” to the query “jaguar” below. The Knowledge Graph and the organic results show us, that first of all Google sees the “jaguar” as a vehicle, and only a small rectangular in the bottom right corner bring us the hope that animal with such name exists at all. Here you could see the direct example of LSI word “animal,” which is represented in brackets near the keyword.

With the help of the latent semantic analysis, Google realizes the possibility to extract all the irrespective words from the content of the thousands of web pages, divides them into the semantically related blocks that will be introduced as the details for primary keywords, and finally shows the most relevant reply to the user’s queries.

What influence does lantent semantic indexing have on SEO routines?

Apart from the basic goal to help Google in the comprehension of what we really want to say, latent semantic indexing keywords allow us the following:

  • avoid the over spam, using the repeated keywords and as a result – optimize the keyword density;
  • make deeper research of your target audience, paying attention to the significant details and the hidden aspects of the topic;
  • provide the information that will be interesting and useful both the search engine and the users;
  • create engaging and readable content, that does not induce to scroll the page as quickly as you can 😅;
  • improve your website’s ranking potential and visibility.

How to conduct the research of the Latent semantic indexing keywords?

Picking up the LSI from online search is the easiest way to collect LSI keywords. It will be enough to add your recently selected keyword to the search query box and receive the list of the web pages with a specific context, that search engine connects with your query. Does your association coincide with Google’s one?

Don’t worry, if not. In all the circumstances, the result of Google latent semantic indexing will catch your eyes and provide you with certain target keywords, that will become incredibly useful as complete additions or as the idea about matched LSI keywords.

The generation of the latent semantic indexing keywords should be based on two factors:

1. Comprehension of the subject matter in your sphere

To represent the information fairly, you just need to be aware of all the ins and outs of the topic. It’s important to notice that Google still has difficulties with the comparison of similar queries in spite of the efforts to correspond to a human way of thinking. According to that, Latent semantic indexing is an excellent possibility to show the search engine the relationship between the words. The more detailed and distinct information you represent, the better it will be perceived by both readers and Google. Do you remember the recommendation from the article about the featured snippets? Give the well-structured and simple answers to difficult questions!

2. Competitors’ research in the search engine results page

Such actions will help you to look at your target through different perspectives. On the one hand, while looking through the websites of your competitors, you may determine your own defects and plan the steps to eliminate them. On the other hand, you may define your values and take advantage of them. Create the content that will dominate due to the uniqueness and quality. Furthermore, words’ selection for indexing by latent semantic analysis could be processed automatically, especially when you need to handle a high volume of keywords or even topics. Let’s examine a few latent semantic indexing tools:

  • Google Keyword Planner as an SEO must have which, among all other things, has the section for related keywords. It will help to make your keywords more focused.
  • LSIGraph is the popular resource, that has absolutely intuitive interface with the keyword query box, the block with generated LSI words and funny mock-up, which demonstrate the contextual difference for the same keyword.
  • Niche Laboratory – a similar kind of service that conduces you to find inspiration with its “Phrase usage chart” and bring about the inclusion of new keywords variations.

As these tools are free, you shouldn’t face any obstacles when using them with the aim to build a semantically strong SEO strategy, maximize your relevance to queries and rank on the highest positions. Go for it!

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