Google Structured Data: Brief Introduction for Beginners

eugene koplyk Eugene Koplyk 20/03/2024 3 min read
structured data google


Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a webpage and classifying the page content. For webmasters, implementing Google structured data is crucial for enhancing their website's visibility to search engines, thereby improving traffic. It involves organizing and tagging various elements on a web page, such as images, blog posts, reviews, prices, comments, etc. in a way that search engines can understand the content more effectively.

Why Structured Data Matters

Well, by making your content more accessible and easy-to-understand for search engines, you increase your website’s reputability and promote the traffic growth. In short, structured data gives Google clues about the meaning of content on the page. It also allows search engines to implement specialized search.

Furthermore, if markups are implemented correctly, Google will display an elaborate knowledge graph about your website. Another benefit that derives from the use of structured data is rich snippets. Those are highly informative, enhanced results Google provides as the answers to user’s queries. They look more appealing to the visitors and attract their attention.

Benefits of Using Structured Data

  • Enhanced Search Results: Correct implementation of structured data can lead to the generation of rich snippets and an elaborate knowledge graph, making your website's listings more appealing and informative in search results.
  • Increased Click-Through Rates: Websites optimized with structured data have reported up to a 82% increase in click-through rates, as the enhanced listings stand out to users.

Recent Updates to Structured Data Guidelines

structured data schema

Google has recently updated its guidelines for marking up product variants, particularly for single-page and multi-page websites. These updates emphasize the importance of accurately representing product variants such as different sizes, colors, materials, or patterns using structured data. Here's how to comply with the new instructions:

Single-Page Websites

For a single-page website where product variants do not have separate URLs, it's essential to use the ProductGroup property to group variants. This approach allows for dynamic updates on the page when a user selects a variant, without needing to reload the page. Each variant is detailed within this group using the Product type, specifying attributes like SKU, GTIN, image, name, description, color, size, and offers.

Multi-Page Websites

On multi-page websites, where each product variant has its own URL, the structured data should still use the ProductGroup type to link these variants together. Each variant's page repeats the ProductGroup definition, ensuring that search engines understand the relationship between variants and the group as a whole.

Implementation Tips

  • Avoid using multiple structured data formats simultaneously, as this can confuse search engines.
  • Utilize Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your markup.
  • Ensure that your structured data does not mislead by appearing to be something it is not.

Structured data is more crucial than ever for SEO. By following Google's latest guidelines, webmasters can ensure their sites remain visible and attractive to search engines and users alike. For further assistance or tips on website development and SEO optimization, consider consulting with experienced specialists.

Interested? Contact us to receive website development and upgrading tips from experienced specialists. As SEO optimization isn’t something you may entrust to the amateurs at this day and age.

eugene koplyk
Eugene Koplyk
Head of Marketing department
As a Digital Strategist, I help companies grow their business online. Here share my expertise, ideas, and best practices on Ecommerce marketing initiatives, branding, SEO, conversion and many more. If you want to stay connected, follow me on LinkedIn.
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